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Booking Policy


Scope of Application

These Terms and Conditions shall govern any accommodation agreements, or any other related contracts entered into between the hotel and the guest (including daytime guests using rooms for teleworking, etc.; the same shall apply hereinafter), and any matters not stipulated in theTerms and Conditions shall be governed by law and generally established customs.

Any usage guidelines and precautions (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Rules”) presented by the Uniques Tanzania Limited (Hotels, Camps or Lodges) premises in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall, in addition to the Hotel Rules and Regulations established by the hotel and kept in guestrooms, constitute a part of these Terms and Conditions.

Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, any special agreements provided by the hotel within the scope permitted by law and customs shall take precedence.

Accommodation and Agreement

Those applying for an accommodation agreement at the Uniques Tanzania Limited (Hotels, Camps or Lodges) shall provide the hotel with the following information;

Guest name and telephone number

The date of stay and estimated time of arrival

Accommodation fee

Other information the hotel deems necessary

In the event that a guest requests to extendtheir stay beyond the date listed in (ii) of the preceding paragraph, anapplication for a new accommodation agreement is deemed to have been made atthe time the request was made.

Payment of Fees and Terms at Check-in/Check-out

A breakdown of accommodation fees to be paid byguests is listed in the accomodation fees section.

The accommodation fees in the precedingparagraph must be paid at the front desk on the day of the guest’s arrival orupon the hotel request in a preferable currency or traveller's checks, hotelvouchers, credit cards, or any other alternative for currency accepted by thehotel. However, be aware currency payment will not be accepted if the hotel hasnotified the guest in advance that currency is not accepted.

The accommodation fee will still be charged ifthe guest voluntarily chooses not to stay in an available room provided by thehotel.

Guests using plans that include breakfast,lunch, dinner, or other ancillary services will still be charged for suchservices even if they do not use them unless otherwise specified in the plan.

Cancellation Policy

Full Charge (full stay) will apply If a bookingwill be cancelled within 13 days of arrival. Partial Charge of 50% of Full Staywill apply, if cancelled within 14 days of arrival. No Charge will apply If abooking will be cancelled within 30 days of arrival

Use of Personal Information

The Uniques Tanzania Limited (Hotels, Camps orLodges) respects the confidentiality of the personal data of its customers.Under no circumstances, we will disclose personal data to third parties withoutyour consent, except when we transmit customer’s name, email address or creditcard information to the hotel of your choice or if disclosure of personal datais required by law.


Reservations are subject to prevailing VATrates applicable during the provision of the service. Therefore, if theprevailing VAT rate changes, the costs of the services provided during the staymay be subject to the new greater or lesser VAT rate as applicable.

Prohibited Acts

Guests shall not engage in the following acts,either on their own or through the use of a third party;

Registering or providing false information whenstaying at any premises of the Uniques Tanzania Limited (Hotels, Camps orLodges),

Using fraudulent payment methods such as stolencredit cards when staying within any premises of the Uniques Tanzania Limited(Hotels, Camps or Lodges),

Unauthorized acquisition or use of The UniquesTanzania Limited (Hotels, Camps or Lodges) membership benefits or personalinformation belonging to a third party,

Using the Uniques Tanzania Limited (Hotels,Camps or Lodges) for business purposes without permission from the management,

Mass booking followed by mass cancellation orany similar acts,

Repeatedly making and cancelling bookingswithout a justifiable reason, or any similar acts,

Impersonating the Uniques Tanzania Limited(Hotels, Camps or Lodges), or any act that could be mistaken for such,

Unauthorized access of systems or computers orany similar acts,

Sending or uploading harmful computer programsor any similar acts,

Removal, defacing, or destroying equipmentwithin the hotel facilities, or any similar acts,

Obstruction of business or damaging the reputationor brand of the hotel by making demands that exceed socially acceptable norms,or slandering, defaming, threatening, or harassing the hotel or its staff orposting inflammatory remarks on social networking sites, or any similar acts,

Violence, threats, extortion, or other coerciveand unreasonable demands against the hotel or its staff,

Any acts that cause or risk causinginconvenience, damage, or disadvantage to other guests, third parties or thehotel,

Any acts that infringe or risk infringing onthe copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights, privacyrights, personal rights, or any other rights of other guests, third parties orthe hotel,

Acts that violate or risk violating public orderor law, or any criminal acts,

Displaying the power of an organized crimegroup or acts of aiding and abetting an organized crime group,

Violation of any other provisions of theseTerms and Conditions,

Violation of any other rules in the hotel Rulesand Regulations,

Any other acts deemed inappropriate by thehotel.

The Uniques Tanzania Limited (Hotels, Camps orLodges) shall be entitled to claim compensation from the guest for any damagesincurred as a result of the acts in the preceding paragraph.

Pet Policy

Pet dogs, cats or any other animals are notpermitted to stay or be in the Uniques Tanzania Limited (Hotels, Camps orLodges). Fine will be claimed if pets will be accommodated in the apartments.Guide Dogs or therapy dogs are permitted and notification is required onbooking.

Child Policy

If a child is above 15 years of age, a separateroom will be required at the parent's applicable room rate. (An extra bed shallnot be provided for anyone over 15 years of age.)

Up to two children under 15 years' age can beaccommodated in the parents' room, with one extra bed at no additional charge.Kindly state your request for extra bed at the time of booking as not all roomcategories can accommodate an extra bed. Non -Smoking Policy

The Uniques Tanzania Limited (Hotels, Camps orLodges) is a non-smoking property. There is no smoking allowed in the publicareas or within the guest’s rooms of the hotel. Designated smoking areas arelocated for the customers who wish to smoke while their staying at our hotel.The hotel will apply a $250 cleaning fee to any guest room that violates thisnon-smoking policy. This applies to both traditional smoking methods and allelectronic delivery systems Smoking includes tobacco cigarettes, electroniccigarettes (vape), cigars, pipe tobaccos, cigarette leaves (rokok daun), bamboopipes and waterpipe smokes (bong, hookah/shisha and mouassal).

Firearm Policy

The safety and security of our guests andassociates is of utmost importance to the Uniques Tanzania Limited (Hotels,Camps or Lodges). This policy is designed for the protection of our guests andassociates, and pertains to the presence of firearms on hotel premises.

The Uniques Tanzania Limited (Hotels, Camps orLodges) recognizes that guests may legally possess firearms for a variety oflegitimate purposes. This policy is intended to create a safe environment forall guests and visitors by providing appropriate guidance over the custody offirearms on our premises.

Guests of the Uniques Tanzania Limited (Hotels,Camps or Lodges) who lawfully are permitted to possess a firearm, may bringsuch firearm onto hotel premises for storage purposes only. Any Hotel Guest whois in possession of a firearm on hotel premises is personally responsible forabiding by all applicable state laws with respect to firearms.

Guests who fail to abide by this policy may beasked to leave the hotel premises. A blanket exception to the restrictionsdescribed in this policy statement applies only to law enforcement officers anddesignated military personnel, who are on-duty and required to carry firearmsin the performance of their duties.

Alcohol Policy

We encourage all beverages to be purchased onour restaurants available 24 hours. The Uniques Tanzania Limited (Hotels, Campsor Lodges) does not allow guests of legal age who choose to bring their ownalcoholic. Alcohol is not allowed in public areas such as the lobby, SAUNA,halls, etc.

Guest Safety Policy

As part of our commitment to guest safety,employees will not disclose the identity, room number or presence of a guest toanyone other than appropriate law enforcement. This includes the taking of ordelivery of messages or indirect forwarding of phone calls. It is theresponsibility of guests to communicate their presence and room number to anyperson they wish to receive calls or visits from.

Safety cameras are used throughout thepremises, and anyone on our property may be recorded. The Uniques TanzaniaLimited (Hotels, Camps or Lodges) assumes no responsibility for any personalbodily injury incurred while using the gym/fitness center facilities, whereavailable. If you use the gym/fitness center facilities, you do so at your ownrisk.

Hotel Liability/ Severance

The Uniques Tanzania Limited (Hotels, Camps orLodges) shall compensate the guest for any damages arising from failure toexecute the accommodation agreement or its related agreements. However, thisshall not apply when damages are caused by reasons not attributable to thehotel.

The responsibility to provide guests with aroom on the part of the hotel starts when the guest checks in at the front deskof the hotel and ends at the checkout deadline.

The hotel is enrolled in hotel liabilityinsurance to protect against fire and other disasters.

Force Majeure

If andto the extent that a Party’s performance of any of its obligations pursuant tothis Agreement is prevented, hindered or delayed directly or indirectly byfire, flood, earthquake, elements of nature or acts of God, acts of war,terrorism, riots, civil disorders, rebellions or revolutions, or any othersimilar cause beyond the reasonable control of such Party (each a “ForceMajeure Event”), and such non-performance, hindrance or delay could not havebeen prevented by reasonable precautions, then the non-performing, hindered ordelayed Party shall be excused for such non-performance, hindrance or delay, asapplicable, of those obligations affected (the “Affected Services”) by theForce Majeure.

Third Party Rights

The Uniques Tanzania Limited (Hotels, Camps orLodges) as a general rule cannot confer rights to or imposing obligationsarising under the contract between itself and the customer except the partiesunder it only. The hotel will confer rights to a third party only when there isprior notice directed to the them to do it by the customer.


The Uniques Tanzania Limited (Hotels, Camps orLodges) consents to let guests park their vehicles in the parking space when aguest uses the hotel parking lot, regardless of whether the guest has depositedthe keys with to the hotel, and the hotel shall not be held liable formanagement of the vehicle. However, the hotel shall be liable for compensationfor any damage caused by wilful misconduct or negligence in managing theparking lot.

Guest Liability

The guest shall compensate the hotel for anydamages to it, caused by wilful misconduct or negligence on the part of theguest (including but not limited to facility repair costs and lost salesopportunities).


The Uniques Tanzania Limited (Hotels, Camps orLodges) shall be exempt from liability when an exemption set forth in theseTerms and Conditions or the Rules and Regulations applies.

Dispute Resolution/ Issues

Negotiation - this is sometimes split into twoseparate phases - first, negotiations between representatives of the partieswho are responsible for operating a contract on a day-to-day basis and then, ifthat proves unsuccessful, negotiations between senior executives with authorityto settle the dispute. In some cases, negotiations may also be attended by theparties' lawyers.

Mediation - a process whereby an independentthird party mediates between the parties to explore areas for potentialcompromise. Ultimately it is still for the parties to decide whether they canagree a resolution to their dispute.